The fundamentals of the word 'educate' refers to the idea of bringing out the best in a child so that they can flourish with the help of the intellectual, moral and social coaching imparted to them. At Little Wonders Convent School (LWCS), the focus is on academic, physical, and creative development, to ensure our students growth with a vantage point of independent & free thinking. Learning at LWCS is regarded as a continuous process, which is a balance between academic and non-academic curriculum that creates an environment for all round development of the learner. This belief runs deep in the inner workings of LWCS and one can spot it in practice everyday, be it the class time-table or the annual schedules.
Countless Indian cultural texts have referred to schools as the temple of learning which had great influence on an individuals overall headway in society. To truly stand up to the adage 'Tasmo ma jyotirgamaya' which means 'from darkness, lead me to light', the teachers & staff strive to build a system of instruction that guards the sanctity of our school. With all that said, true discipline can only be achieved with efforts from both ends of the student-teacher partnership.
I would like to thank all the parents who have entrusted us with the future of their children. I also want to thank all the students, current & alumini, for their contribution in making the school what it is. It is our students and teachers who truly define everything good here at Little Wonders Convent School.
Message from the Principal
Dr. Bhavana Chelawat